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Goodbye Multiple Trips,

Hello Med Sync!

medication pick-up reminder on phone

Say Goodbye to Endless Pharmacy Trips!

Medication synchronization lets your regimen work with your schedule, not against it. No more trips across town multiple times a month, just to pick up a single prescription. Choose a day each month that works best for you, and we will have all your medications refilled and ready for pick-up or delivery to your home!

Eliminate multiple calls for refills

Cut down on trips to the pharmacy

Review your medication list with us

pharmacist reviewing medication with patient
calendar with push pin reminder

Why Choose our Community Pharmacy?

Many pharmacies offer automatic refills, but that service doesn't always account for health changes. You want something more convenient, but it's not convenient if your refill isn't right. Syncing your meds with us gives you convenience and peace of mind.

  • We talk to your doctor so we have the most updated scripts when we sync your prescriptions

  • We talk to you so we can address any health changes or side effects.

  • Do you have questions? We are always here to talk through concerns or to give recommendations.

Want your meds even easier?

We offer local delivery!

oakland rx bag
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